Technology Modules: Belt Conveyors

Belt  conveyors are used to transfer components between processes.  A belt conveyor incorporates two rollers, one positioned at each end and a joining belt, components move along the top of the belt.  In combination with belt conveyors, flat bottomed pallets can be used to locate the components on during transit.

Belt coveyors can use either fabric, rubber, metal sheet or mesh as the belt material depending on the application. Consideration has to be given to safety, cleanliness and the conveyors functional requirements when deciding what belt material should be used 

belt conveyorBelt conveyors can be configured together into many different layouts that include bends, cross transfers, elevators and lowerators.  At stations along a conveyor system, sensors and stops mechanisms are integrated to align the components where they are needed for any assembly or test process. To tracks pallet around the system simple pallet flags or more complex read/write tags can be integrated.

Examples of where TQC have used belt conveyors include –

  • Product infeed and outfeed conveyors
  • Basis of pallet transfer systems
  • Product elevators

Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to offer our professional advice and visit you at your site.

TQC Ltd, Hooton Street, Carlton Road, Nottingham, NG3 2NJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 9503561   |   Fax: +44 (0)115 9484642   |   E-mail: