Technology Modules: PC Control Systems

PC based systems use a computer as the heart of the system.  

The PC is equipped with standard control boards that contain the required input and output modules for the system that is being controlled.  The PC will run a standard operating system, for example Windows, and use standard and bespoke software to control the equipment.

The advantage with using a PC to control a machine system is the increased capacity for data storage and manipulation. Also more recently there have been a number of technology modules that are able to communicate directly with PC controlled systems.

A PC based system is more familiar to an everyday operator compared to a PLC controlled system as ther operator interface will generally be the latest Windows based software used readily in the work place and home environments.

Examples of PC controlled systems from TQC –

  • Lifecycle testing of cylinders
  • Setup and testing of turbochargers
  • Radiator assembly line (PLC and PC conrolled system)

control panel pc controlled machine

Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to offer our professional advice and visit you at your site.

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