Leak Testing Case Studies: High Pressure Audit Leak Testing System with Datalogging

Client: Manufacturer of Fire Extinguishing Sprinklers

Part: Sprinklers

Machine supplied: High pressure leak test bench

Overview: This system was designed and manufactured in order to give the customer the ability to high pressure test sprinkler bodies within their production environment. TQC developed this system alongside the client to allow them to test a rnage of sprinkler body sizes and connection threads.
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The system shown is a quality control audit leak test facility with data logging for a brass product.

There is a range of product sizes and shapes that are tested using interchangeable tooling inserts that interface with a common nest. The product is loaded into a drawer style fixture and moved into the test area manually, the leak test is fully automatic.

The leak test using high pressure nitrogen inside the product with the Nolek S9 leak test instrument using a vacuum chamber around the part and detecting pressure rise in the chamber outside the component. To ensure that the instrument is not damaged by a grossly leaking part an initial low pressure test is performed, the part must past this test before the high pressure test is carried out.

The test results are fed back into a PC for analysis with batch data, part number, die number and other parameters logged.

  • Brass cast product (7 variants)
  • Self guarding drawer fixtures
  • Integrated Leak Test Instrument with fixture control and PC interface
  • TQC Series 30 leak test technology
  • Leak test uses –0.2bar vacuum externally and 34 bar Nitrogen internally
  • An air leakage limit of 50mm3/sec
  • Leak test time approximately 25 seconds

To find out more about how we can help you with your leak testing requirements:

We build all machines in-house, applying our 25+ years experience in specialised test and automated handling machines experience to the engineering projects we undertake. We offer customer support, backup and service call-out for all projects, whatever the size.

Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements and we will be happy to offer our professional advice and visit you at your site.

TQC Ltd, Hooton Street, Carlton Road, Nottingham, NG3 2NJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 9503561   |   Fax: +44 (0)115 9484642   |   E-mail: sales@tqc.co.ukSGS