Leak Testing Case Studies: Leak Test Cell with Robotic Handling
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Leak Testing is used to ensure quality, tested and proven parts are supplied into the market. The use of leak testing equipment eliminates failures in the field.
Explore this section to find out more about the how TQC can help you with your leak testing requirements
- Overview
- Air Decay
- Helium
- Other Test Methods
- Leak Testing Services
- Standard Equipment
- Case Studies
- Automotive Brake Leak and Flow Testing
- Automotive Bedplate Leak Test Machine
- Battery Tray Leak Test Machine
- Chilled Beam Leak Test
- Flexible Leak Test Facility
- Fuel Tank Leak Testing
- Helium Leak Test Bench
- Helium Leak Testing of Automotive Fuel Pipes
- High Pressure Audit Leak Testing System with Datalogging
- High Speed Leak Testing of Pipe Fittings using Air and Helium
- High Speed Leak Testing of Plastic Vial for the Medical Industry
- Leak Test Facility for Water Valves
- Leak Test Cell with Robotic Handling
- Casting Leak Testing of Engine Blocks
- Medical Filter Leak Test Machine
- Medical Showerhead Leak Test Machine
- Plastic Fuel Rail Leak and Burst Test Machine
- Plastic Sump Pipe Leak Test and Assembly
- Small Medical Device Leak Test Machine
- Twin Station Leak Test Machine for Oils Sumps
- V6 Cylinder Head Leak Test Machine
- V6 Engine Leak Test Machine
- V8 Cylinder Head Leak Test Machine
- V8 Engine Block Leak Test Machine
- Valve Block Leak Test Machine
- Vauxhall Leak Test Machine
- Weapon Leak Test Machine
Client: Leading Plastic Moulding Company
Part: Automotive Sensor
Machine supplied: Lleak testing cell with automatic robot handling of parts
Overview: This system was designed and manufactured in order to give the customer the ability to automatically produce 100% checked parts in high volume.
Download details of this system as a PDF
This robot cell includes automatic handling, component bowl feeding, automated leak testing, passed and failed part segregation and automatic packing of automotive moulded plastic sensors.
The system integrates a 6-axis robot handling 6 inserts from a bowl feeding system into 6 moulds located in a mould tool fastened to a rotary table. On completion of the over moulding process assemblies are transferred to a cooling system using the robot and indexed to a position to be leak tested. On completion of the leak test the tested moulding are manipulated into pass/fail/sample chutes to be dropped into packing boxes/bins
Key features:
- 6-axis robot with multi-part gripper
- Bowl feeding equipment
- 6 up part handling
- Automatic load and unload
- 6 leak test modules
- Cooling system for stable leak testing
- Vision inspection using multiple cameras
- Passed / failed parts transfer system.
Robotic Handling System for the automotive industry
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